275 research outputs found

    The open method of co-ordination: Some remarks regarding old-age security within an enlarged European Union

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    In March 2000 the European Council of Lisbon introduced the 'open method of co-ordination' (OMC) as a new policy instrument to tackle politically sensitive areas, namely social inclusion, old-age security, health, and long-term care. This paper gives a view over the most important developments and main issues raised by the OMC process, particularly in the area of old-age security. The paper is descriptive and focuses on the processes and their tools, the involved actors and their different broad objectives as well as approaches. Finally, the paper deals with the enlargement process of the European Union. In the same context it is discussed that not much thought has been given to the question of how exactly the 10 candidate countries can be integrated comprehensively into the OMC. Nevertheless, it is possible that - especially due to the enlargement process - the OMK has an indirect effect on future national old-age security reforms. -- Im MĂ€rz 2000 hat der EuropĂ€ische Rat von Lissabon mit der 'offenen Methode der Koordinierung' (OMK) ein neues Politikinstrument eingefĂŒhrt mit dem Ziel, sozialpolitisch sensible Bereiche wie soziale Integration, Alterssicherung, Gesundheit und Langzeitpflege zu gestalten. Dieses Papier gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die wichtigsten Entwicklungen und Anforderungen, die sich fĂŒr den Prozess der OMK insbesondere im Bereich der Alterssicherung stellen. Das Papier ist deskriptiv und konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf den Prozess und dessen Instrumente, die involvierten Akteure sowie deren unterschiedliche Ziele und AnsĂ€tze. Abschließend nimmt das Papier Bezug zum Erweiterungsprozess der EuropĂ€ischen Union. In diesem Zusammenhang wird verdeutlicht, dass hinsichtlich der Frage, wie die 10 BeitrittslĂ€nder in die OMK mit einzubeziehen sind, bislang nur wenig Fortschritte erzielt wurden. Dennoch könnte - insb. im Zuge des Erweiterungsprozesses - die OMK zukĂŒnftig die nationalen Rentenreformprozesse (indirekt) beeinflussen.

    Pension policies after EU enlargement: Between financial market integration and sustainability of public finances

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    On May 1st, 2004, the European Union (EU) carried out the most comprehensive enlargement since its establishment in 1957 with the accession of eight Central- and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) as well as Malta and Cyprus. Within this enlarged EU two major political aims were set up, namely the integration of financial markets on the one hand and the sustainability of public finances as well as of pension systems on the other hand. With the example of the recently accessed countries, this paper links these two objectives and raises the question, whether central EU authorities attempt to push for (further) pension privatisation in the new Member States of the enlarged EU in order to promote a single, globally competitive financial market. This paper gives no definite empirical evidence for this link. However, the emerging tendencies in this area call for further research. -- Am 1. Mai 2004 hat die EuropĂ€ische Union (EU) mit dem Beitritt von acht Mittel- und OsteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern (MOEL) sowie Malta und Zypern ihre umfassendste Erweiterung seit ihrer GrĂŒndung im Jahr 1957 vollzogen. In dieser erweiterten EU sind die Integration der FinanzmĂ€rkte einerseits sowie die Nachhaltigkeit der öffentlichen Haushalte und die der Alterssicherungssysteme andererseits zwei zentrale politische Zielsetzungen. Am Beispiel der neu beigetretenen Mitgliedstaaten verknĂŒpft das Papier diese beiden Zielsetzungen und geht der Frage nach, ob die zentralen Organe der EU innerhalb der erweiterten Union versuchen, die neuen Mitgliedstaaten zu (weiteren) Privatisierungen ihrer Rentensysteme zu motivieren, um auf diese Weise einen einheitlichen und weltweit wettbewerbsfĂ€higen Finanzbinnenmarkt zu fördern. Zwar kann an dieser Stelle kein eindeutiger empirischer Nachweis dieser ZusammenhĂ€nge hergestellt werden; allerdings begrĂŒnden die sich abzeichnenden Tendenzen in diesen Bereichen weiteren Forschungsbedarf.

    The open method of co-ordination: some remarks regarding old-age security within an enlarged European Union

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    "In March 2000 the European Council of Lisbon introduced the 'open method of co-ordination' (OMC) as a new policy instrument to tackle politically sensitive areas, namely social inclusion, old-age security, health, and long-term care. This paper gives a view over the most important developments and main issues raised by the OMC process, particularly in the area of old-age security. The paper is descriptive and focuses on the processes and their tools, the involved actors and their different broad objectives as well as approaches. Finally, the paper deals with the enlargement process of the European Union. In the same context it is discussed that not much thought has been given to the question of how exactly the 10 candidate countries can be integrated comprehensively into the OMC. Nevertheless, it is possible that - especially due to the enlargement process - the OMK has an indirect effect on future national old-age security reforms." (author's abstract)"Im MĂ€rz 2000 hat der EuropĂ€ische Rat von Lissabon mit der 'offenen Methode der Koordinierung' (OMK) ein neues Politikinstrument eingefĂŒhrt mit dem Ziel, sozialpolitisch sensible Bereiche wie soziale Integration, Alterssicherung, Gesundheit und Langzeitpflege zu gestalten. Dieses Papier gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die wichtigsten Entwicklungen und Anforderungen, die sich fĂŒr den Prozess der OMK insbesondere im Bereich der Alterssicherung stellen. Das Papier ist deskriptiv und konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf den Prozess und dessen Instrumente, die involvierten Akteure sowie deren unterschiedliche Ziele und AnsĂ€tze. Abschließend nimmt das Papier Bezug zum Erweiterungsprozess der EuropĂ€ischen Union. In diesem Zusammenhang wird verdeutlicht, dass hinsichtlich der Frage, wie die 10 BeitrittslĂ€nder in die OMK mit einzubeziehen sind, bislang nur wenig Fortschritte erzielt wurden. Dennoch könnte - insb. im Zuge des Erweiterungsprozesses - die OMK zukĂŒnftig die nationalen Rentenreformprozesse (indirekt) beeinflussen." (Autorenreferat

    Dynamic Cell Structures: Radial Basis Function Networks with Perfect Topology Preservation

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    Dynamic Cell Structures (DCS) represent a family of artificial neural architectures suited both for unsupervised and supervised learning. They belong to the recently [Martinetz94] introduced class of Topology Representing Networks (TRN) which build perfectly topology preserving feature maps. DCS employ a modified Kohonen learning rule in conjunction with competitive Hebbian learning. The Kohonen type learning rule serves to adjust the synaptic weight vectors while Hebbian learning establishes a dynamic lateral connection structure between the units reflecting the topology of the feature manifold. In case of supervised learning, i.e. function approximation, each neural unit implements a Radial Basis Function, and an additional layer of linear output units adjusts according to a delta-rule. DCS is the first RBF-based approximation scheme attempting to concurrently learn and utilize a perfectly topology preserving map for improved performance. Simulations on a selection of CMU-Benchmarks indicate that the DCS idea applied to the Growing Cell Structure algorithm [Fritzke93b] leads to an efficient and elegant algorithm that can beat conventional models on similar tasks

    Pension policies after EU enlargement: between financial market integration and sustainability of public finances

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    "Am 1. Mai 2004 hat die EuropĂ€ische Union (EU) mit dem Beitritt von acht Mittel- und OsteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern (MOEL) sowie Malta und Zypern ihre umfassendste Erweiterung seit ihrer GrĂŒndung im Jahr 1957 vollzogen. In dieser erweiterten EU sind die Integration der FinanzmĂ€rkte einerseits sowie die Nachhaltigkeit der öffentlichen Haushalte und die der Alterssicherungssysteme andererseits zwei zentrale politische Zielsetzungen. Am Beispiel der neu beigetretenen Mitgliedstaaten verknĂŒpft das Papier diese beiden Zielsetzungen und geht der Frage nach, ob die zentralen Organe der EU innerhalb der erweiterten Union versuchen, die neuen Mitgliedstaaten zu (weiteren) Privatisierungen ihrer Rentensysteme zu motivieren, um auf diese Weise einen einheitlichen und weltweit wettbewerbsfĂ€higen Finanzbinnenmarkt zu fördern. Zwar kann an dieser Stelle kein eindeutiger empirischer Nachweis dieser ZusammenhĂ€nge hergestellt werden; allerdings begrĂŒnden die sich abzeichnenden Tendenzen in diesen Bereichen weiteren Forschungsbedarf." (Autorenreferat)"On May 1st, 2004, the European Union (EU) carried out the most comprehensive enlargement since its establishment in 1957 with the accession of eight Central- and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) as well as Malta and Cyprus. Within this enlarged EU two major political aims were set up, namely the integration of financial markets on the one hand and the sustainability of public finances as well as of pension systems on the other hand. With the example of the recently accessed countries, this paper links these two objectives and raises the question, whether central EU authorities attempt to push for (further) pension privatisation in the new Member States of the enlarged EU in order to promote a single, globally competitive financial market. This paper gives no definite empirical evidence for this link. However, the emerging tendencies in this area call for further research." (author's abstract

    Attentional modulation of orthographic neighborhood effects during reading: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in a psychological refractory period paradigm

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    It is often assumed that word reading proceeds automatically. Here, we tested this assumption by recording event-related potentials during a psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm, requiring lexical decisions about written words. Specifically, we selected words differing in their orthographic neighborhood size–the number of words that can be obtained from a target by exchanging a single letter–and investigated how influences of this variable depend on the availability of central attention. As expected, when attentional resources for lexical decisions were unconstrained, words with many orthographic neighbors elicited larger N400 amplitudes than those with few neighbors. However, under conditions of high temporal overlap with a high priority primary task, the N400 effect was not statistically different from zero. This finding indicates strong attentional influences on processes sensitive to orthographic neighbors during word reading, providing novel evidence against the full automaticity of processes involved in word reading. Furthermore, in conjunction with the observation of an underadditive interaction between stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) and orthographic neighborhood size in lexical decision performance, commonly taken to indicate automaticity, our results raise issues concerning the standard logic of cognitive slack in the PRP paradigm

    Gewinnungselektrolyse von Zink – ein Modellexperiment zum VerstĂ€ndnis der Prozessketten in Bergbau und Recycling: Vom Erz/Schrott zum Zielmetall

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    Die Technische UniversitĂ€t Clausthal (TUC) ist Partner des Projekts RawMattersAmbassadors@Schools, in welchem Unterrichtseinheiten zum Thema Rohstoffe entwickelt werden. Hier stellen wir ein Experiment zur Zinkelektrolyse vor; es illustriert exemplarisch den Wert von Legierungen und den hohen Energie‐, Wasser‐ und Chemikalieneinsatz zur Darstellung der Metalle. In Schulworkshops werden Prozessketten – vom Erz oder Elektronikschrott zum Metall – erlĂ€utert und an Modellexperimentierstationen erlebbar gemacht und in Projekttagen um Werksbesichtigungen (French Process, Norzinco, Goslar) ergĂ€nzt

    An Integrated Architecture for Learning of Reactive Behaviors based on Dynamic Cell Structures

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    In this contribution we want to draw the readers attention to the advantages of controller architectures based on Dynamic Cell Structures (DCS) [5] for learning reactive behaviors of autonomous robots. These include incremental on-line learning, fast output calculation, a flexible integration of different learning rules and a close connection to fuzzy logic. The latter allows for incorporation of prior knowledge and to interpret learning with a DCS as fuzzy rule generation and ad aptation. After successful applications of DCS to tasks involving supervised learning, feedback error learning and incremental category learning, in this article we take reinforcement learning of reactive collision avoidance for an autonomous mobile robot as a further example to demonstrate the validity of our approach. More specifically, we employ a REINFORCE [23] algorithm in combination with an Adaptive Heuristic Critique (AHC) [21] to learn a continuous valued sensory motor mapping for obstacle avoidance with a TRC Labmate from delayed rein forcement. The sensory input consists of eight unprocessed sonar readings, the controller output is the continuous angular and forward velocity of the Labmate. The controller and the AHC are integrated within a single DCS network, and the resulting avoidance behavior of the robot can be analyzed as a set of fuzzy rules, each rule having an additional certainty value

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal

    Die Methode der "offenen Koordinierung" der Alterssicherung in der EuropÀischen Union: Einblick in eine europÀische Debatte

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    Der Autor "gibt einen Einblick in eine europÀische Debatte; es geht um die Methode der 'offenen Koordinierung' der Alterssicherung in der EuropÀischen Union. Mit der offenen Koordinierung wird der Einfluss der supranationalen Ebene auf die Gestaltung der nationalstaatlich geprÀgten Sozialpolitik beschrieben. (Der Autor) kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die 'offene Koordinierung' in ihrer konzeptionellen Entwicklung bereits weit voran geschritten ist, wenngleich die Umsetzung eher ins Stocken geraten ist und weitere Entscheidungen abzuwarten sind." (Autorenreferat
